Employer Registration Instructions

If you are an employer and want to use some of the services we provide employers, you must register as an employer. This will give you access to our employers area. In this area you can look at your employee's training records, search our resume database, post job openings, request bids for contract work, and more.

  1. Make sure you are on the "Home" page by clicking on the "Home" button at the top of the screen.

  2. Click on the "Register" link above.

  3. Click on the "Register as an employer link"

  4. A form will be displayed. Fill in all of the information on the form, then click the "SUBMIT" button.

  5. If the username you have chosen is not already taken, you will be asked to change your username until one is chosen that hasn't been taken.

  6. Your e-mail account will be active within 5 minutes or so. It will not be accessible immediately.

You can access your employer account from the "Home" page by Selecting "Employer" next to the words "Login as" on the top right of the screen and pressing "Go". You then enter your username and password.

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